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金属粉尘MIT指标检测试 粉尘爆炸MIE参数检测

更新时间:2025-01-11 17:40:27
联系手机: 18662248591
爆炸等级Kst (MPa.m/s)爆炸特性典型材料
St 00不可爆铜粉,碳酸钙,氢氧化铝
St 10<kst≤20弱爆炸奶粉、木炭、锌粉
St 220<kst≤30强烈爆炸纤维素、木粉
St 3>300极其强烈爆炸铝粉、镁粉


PmaxMPabar粉尘云爆炸压力(Maximum explosion pressure),系指在某一爆炸容器下测试所得的爆炸压力(20L球使用普遍)泄爆、通风、抑爆、隔离、部分惰化
align="center">(dP/dt)maxMPa/sbar/s粉尘云爆炸压力上升速率(Maximum rate of explosion pressure rise),系指在某一爆炸容器下测试所得的压力上升速率
KStMPa·m/sbar·m/salign="center">爆炸指数(Explosion index),压力上升速率和容器体积归一化处理后的结果
MECLELg/m3粉尘云小爆炸浓度(Minimum Explosion Concentration),也称:爆炸下限(LEL, Lower Explosion Limit)粉尘浓度控制
MIEmJ粉尘云点火能量(Minimum Ignition Energy)消除点火源
MIT粉尘云着火温度(Minimum Ignition Temperature of dust cloud)工业过程及表面温度的控制
LIT粉尘层着火温度(Minimum Ignition Temperature of dust layer)

LOC体积百分比粉尘云极限氧浓度(Limiting Oxygen Concentration),粉尘云发生火焰传播所需的氧浓度惰化处理
Pmax (dP/dt)maxKStGB/T 16426-1996 粉尘云爆炸压力和爆炸指数测定方法ISO 6184/1-1985 Determination of explosion indices of combustible dusts in airBS EN 14034-1:2004 Determination of the maximum explosion pressure Pmax of dust cloudsBS EN 14034-2:2006 Determination of the maximum rate of explosion pressure (dp/dt)max of dust cloudsASTM E 1226-10 Standard test method for explosibility of dust clouds
MECLELGB/T 16425-1996 粉尘云爆炸下限浓度测定方法BS EN 14034-3:2006 Determination of the lower explosion limit LEL of dust cloudsASTM E 1515-07 Standard test method for minimum explosible concentration of combustible dusts
MIEGB/T 16428-1996 粉尘云小着火能量测定方法IEC 61241-2-3-1994 Test methods Section 3 Method for determining minimum ignition energy of dust air mixturesBS EN 13821-2002 Determination of minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixturesASTM E 2019-03(2007) Standard test method for minimum ignition energy of a dust cloud in air
MITGB/T 16429-1996 粉尘云着火温度测定方法IEC 61241-2-1:1994 Test methods Section 1 Methods for determining the minimum ignition temperatures of dustBS EN 50281-2-1:1999 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust-Part 2-1: Test methods-Methods of determining minimum ignition temperaturesASTM E 1491-06 Standard test method for minimum autoignition temperature of dust clouds
LITGB/T 16430 1996 粉尘层着火温度测定方法IEC 61241-2-1:1994 Test methods Section 1 Methods for determining the minimum ignition temperatures of dustBS EN 50281-2-1:1999 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust-Part 2-1: Test methods-Methods of determining minimum ignition temperaturesASTM E 2021-09 Standard test method for hot surface ignition temperature of dust layers
LOCBS EN 14034-3:2004 Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration LOC of dust clouds


  • 地址:昆山市陆家镇星圃路12号智汇新城生态产业园B区7号厂房3楼
  • 电话:18662248591
  • 业务经理:聂经理
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  • Email:2676896713@qq.com